Automatic chlorinator controller AQUACON M 5500 C


  • Single or Duty — Standby automatic chlorinator controller
  • Controls up to two automatic gas chlorinators or up to two sodium hypochlorite dosing pumps 
  • Different control options (flow, free chlorine, flow and free chlorine)
  • Simple installation, set up and start up
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AQUACON series M 5500 C is a duty/standby control unit for control of up to two automatic chlorinators — gas or liquid. It is designed to control the process values on potable water plants, swimming pools, wastewater plants or in industry. 


Operation principle

Controller AQUACON M 5500 C controls one or two automatic chlorinators (liquid or gas) on the basis of information received from water flow meter or/and free residual analyser. If two automatic chlorinators are connected, then one is duty and the other is stand by. 

Different control options are available:

1) Flow-proportional controller 

2) Residual chlorine controller

3) Combination of flow-proportional and residual chlorine controller in one unit


Regulation for each individual system can easily be set on the field. Electronically controlled motor valve (or dosing pump), is driven through PID regulator with all types of control options. 

Flow-proportional control

Simplest form of dosing control. The chlorine dose is proportional to the water flow. A flow meter provides a signal proportional to the water flow, which controller uses to determine the gas control. According to the set reference value and water flow, controller sends the appropriate signal to the chlorinator.

Free residual chlorine control

The controller receives the signal from a chlorine analyser downstream of the dose point. The signal from the chlorine analyser is compared with the reference value set in the controller, determines the correct dose, and sends the appropriate signal to the chlorinator. This operation is performed after predetermined process parameters, which are set in the controller. 

Flow-proportional control and free residual chlorine control (compound loop regulation type)

At start, the chlorine dose is set proportional to the water flow. After predetermined process parameters, which are set in the controller, the signal from the chlorine analyser is compared with the reference value set in the controller. Controller then determines the correct dose and sends the correction signal to the chlorinator. Controller also immediately sends the correction signal to the chlorinator in case of any change in water flow. 

Control options

Flow proportional
Free Residual chlorine
Compound loop

Electrical data

Power Supply
230 VAC
1 A
Power consumption
16 Watts (max)
Operating temperature
55 ºC (max)
LCD 4 lines, 12 characters
Control inputs
2 x 4 - 20mA (1 x flow, 1 x residual)
Control outputs
Duty/ Standby chlorinator
Resistance on analogue outputs
500 Ohm
Inputs from flowmeter
4 - 20 mA or pulse input
Regulator value output


3 kg
410 x 285 x 140 mm
IP 65


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